Teresa Giudice: 'You Gotta Lie!'


On last night’s episode, the Giudices met with their lawyer to go over what Teresa is allowed to publicly say about the couple’s many lawsuits and alleged bankruptcy fraud. Although, considering that she thinks that nor’easters are called Norwegians, the meeting could prove pointless when she actually does open her mouth. Case in point: During an interview segment on the show, Teresa addresses the fact that her husband had openly admitted in court that he’d forged his former business partner’s name on mortgage documents—which ultimately led to a judgement against the Giudices—by saying, “See! You gotta lie!” Still, they felt as though they won the case because they ended up only owing the guy $260,000 as opposed to the $1 million for which he was suing them.

The lawyer then addressed the public auction of the trappings of Giudices’ home, which was to take place in order to pay off some of their creditors. It turns out that Teresa used her new income to “purchase” said trappings, so they get to keep everything. The lawyer also stated that there’s a misperception that Teresa is Imelda Marcos, living an extravagant lifestyle that she cannot afford and spending a shitload of money on shoes. It’s weird for them to even try to deny that, particularly when Teresa was wearing knee-high leather Louboutins and a fur coat. It’s like they think the entire viewing audience is as stupid as they are.

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