The Pee Tape, ‘memba her???
Here’s all the shit we couldn’t cover today:
- Christopher Steele, the former British spy who penned the notorious dossier alleging the Kremlin has piss-related kompromat on President Trump, has agreed to be questioned by U.S. officials over his relationship with the FBI. It looks like comeback season for the pee tape! [The Times of London]
- Speaking of Trump, the president believes that climate change “goes both ways.” [Washington Post]
- The Trump administration is restricting the use of fetal tissue in medical research, a longtime goal of the anti-abortion movement and a serious blow to medical research. In a statement, the Department of Health and Human Services said, “promoting the dignity of human life from conception to natural death is one of the very top priorities of President Trump’s administration.” [NPR]
- Meanwhile, Border Patrol is confiscating medication from children and adults seeking asylum at the U.S.-Mexico border. Nice to know the Trump administration has such profound reverence for human life. [Yahoo]
- In happier news, Sen. Elizabeth Warren’s 2020 campaign staff have unionized! [WSJ]
- Quinnipiac reports that most Democratic voters would rather see Beto O’Rourke challenge Texas Sen. John Cornyn for his seat rather than run for president. LOL. [Quinnipiac]
- Sen. Bernie Sanders crashed a Walmart shareholders meeting, calling out the corporation for paying its employees “starvation wages.” [Politico]
- President Trump knows every single Irish-American:
- Some dude from Korn had a little guitar sesh with Mike Huckabee and, uh, I’ve got nothing:
Here are some tweets the president was allowed to publish:
This has been Barf Bag.
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