Three Reasons Rod Blagojevich Is the Most Romantic Man Ever

In Depth

As follows are some brief excerpts from a love letter former Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich sent his wife Patti on the day of their wedding anniversary.


It is so unfair, so wrong, yet maybe that’s what I get for being so cavalier about things like this when I could have properly celebrated our special day when I had the chance. I have learned my lesson.

Reminder: Rod Blagojevich is in prison because he was caught lying.


Maybe this long, dark nightmare is a blessing in disguise. Among the many lessons to be learned from it all is that life is so fragile. Without warning and with no apparent reason, what you thought would always be available suddenly disappears.

Reminder: Rod Blagojevich knew exactly what he was doing. Also he will not be out of prison for probably another decade.


Please kiss my babies for me. Love, Rod xxooxxooxxooxxoo


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