Tiny Has Advice on How to Handle Secret Lovers
The ExpertsGot shady in-laws or an unhinged co-worker? Lemme Help You With That is here for you. Jezebel’s new video series brings you advice from our favorite “experts” in a range of categories. Share your problem by emailing [email protected]—and remember, no question is too petty.
There are few things more devastating to some people than finding out there’s an undesignated third person in their two-person relationship. But once the truth is out, the next moves are crucial.
In the video above, Tiny Harris—who’s faced cheating rumors in her own marriage—explains when she thinks a partnership is repairable and when you’ve got to go. Finding out about “outside babies,” for example, would be a breaking point. “That’s the one thing I’ve always said: Any outside babies, I’ve got to go.”