To the Booth and Back: Tell Us Your Voting Stories
LatestWe want to hear all about your voting experiences today: Was your polling site packed, with lines wrapping around the block? (That’s what we’re hearing from most people so far, which sounds frustrating, but also high voter turnout = YES, PLEASE.) Was it hard for you to take time off work to cast your ballot? Was this your first time voting in a U.S. election, or your 5th?
Tell us all about it. Show us photos of your polling places and “I Voted!” stickers. Gush about the leaders of the women’s suffrage movement (♥ you, Sojourner Truth). Complain about how anticlimactic absentee voting is. (Right?!?) We have the rest of the day — and god knows how many hours after that — to stress about voting results, so take these early hours to talk about what we’ve all waited so long to do: casting that ballot.