Unsurprisingly, Readers Incensed About Coverage of Racist Teens Are Also Racist. And Terrible Spellers.
LatestEver since we pointed out that some teenagers reacted very poorly to President Obama’s reelection by posting racist hate speech on Twitter, we have received quite a few emails supporting the students and expressing anti-Obama sentiments. Apparently, pointing out when people are being racist just brings out more racists! And in addition to being racist, almost all of the anti-Obama emails we got were filthy, vulgar, sexist, profane, grammatically incorrect and misspelled. A sad testament to the state of education in this country. Perhaps you are wondering who would email us, defending the tweets calling President Obama a nigger? As far as we can tell, they are all men, and most of them are ill-tempered, illogical rage-o-holics. Addicted to rage-o-hol. For instance:
Gary Kolenich wants to know where we were during the Bush years. Gary, Jezebel hadn’t been born! We were but a sparkle in Nick Denton’s eye. But anyway, we’ll listen to your lesson on the Constitution and Evolution, smarty-pants:
It’s called freedom of speech. Those kids have rights as do you and I. However they want to use or abuse them is their right.
Where were you during the Bush years comparing him to a monkey, and his wife to the joker amongst other things. Obama looks like a monkey more than W. But since he is black its racism. HWe all evolved from apes, why is that racism. Get a life. and what does the school have to do with that. WHAT A BUNCH OF GOSSIPING IDIOTS!
gary kolenich
P.S. I hate Osama. gonna call my mommie? You want racism, read Michelle Osama’s college papers, talk about a racist bitch.
David Bruno is so upset he has punctuation problems.
Here’s a tip ! you should be a ashamed of your self . Telling on some people that don’t agree with you’er political views !
You sound like a 5 year old saying ” I’m going to tell on you !
Grow up ! You got what you wanted. Four more year’s of the same shit you call being presidential !
Tom Earnst offers up suggestions in terms of what we ought to do with our downtime:
You are such an ass hole! you liberals condemn anything done to your guy Obama or Democrats in general but you rant and rail and accuse people of being racist because they don’t agree with your guy’s. But you feel it’s a different story when you talk about the other side, it’s ok if you are classless and you act like a bunch of racist, that’s ok because you think you are the underdog’s and you are deprived and so you can do whatever or say whatever you want. I say FUCK YOU if you aren’t going to give what you expect from others then you have no business writing about anything.
Eat shit and bark at the moon you bitch!
Gazing at the night sky sounds nice, actually.
Jeff Mayen’s logic goes like this: When you point out that someone is racist, that makes you a fascist. In other words, speaking out for the oppressed turns you into an oppressor. But wait, you say. That makes no sense. Pish posh! Oppressors, every one of us:
Your behavior is comparable to the Hitler youth and Nazi sympathizers in the 1930’s. Report to the facist establishment any who disagree with their way of thinking, ridicule them, pressure them whith whatever authority you can manipulate, SILENCE THEM. I read the book and in the end you will lose.
Shawn Gallagher made it personal. And sexist! And ageist.
Subject: Tracie Egan Morrissey
She is right. She does look like trash. This is the first time I saw a picture of her but she sure does look like trash. Not a whore, not good enough for that. Looks too old for public consumption also.
Fred Atkinson of Las Cruces, NM gets damn near poetic:
You expose others for bashing Obama.
Yet you don’t expose those who bash conservatives in much the same way.
The title of your story pretty much tells about your own intolerance.
You are a Web site of hypocrisy.
Fred Atkinson
Las Cruces, NM
Who is John Galt?
Lee Marshall writes:
In my opinion…
Hey FUCNUTS it’s called freedom of speech. Get a life hacks. I’m glad to see our youth at least voicing an opinion, unlike most to ignorant to actually care about issues. Where does school end? Commie fucs
It’s so amusing when we’re advised to “get a life.” We have one! It includes getting paid to post stuff on the internet. This guy’s the one whose day is so empty he’s spending time emailing strangers and misspelling the word “fucknuts.”
Mike Cockerham has hopes and dreams:
here is a tip for you, I hope every single teen leaves your site… you must be a barry supporter so go fuck yourself… now report me to my teacher….
Jerry Allen copies and pastes for liberty!
TIP #1. READ AND UNDERSTAND THE FIRST AMENDMENT!!! – Any person who chooses to speak for or against a political figure has every right to do so. Read that line one more time. Who the hell are you to seek retribution or punishment against anyone who speaks out against or does not agree with Barack Obama?!?! Especially a minor. Thats f*ckin PATHETIC!!!!!!
TIP #2. READ AND UNDERSTAND THE FIRST AMENDMENT!!! – Any person who chooses to speak for or against a political figure has every right to do so. Read that line one more time. Who the hell are you to seek retribution or punishment against anyone who speaks out against or does not agree with Barack Obama?!?! Especially a minor. Thats f*ckin PATHETIC!!!!!!
TIP #3. READ AND UNDERSTAND THE FIRST AMENDMENT!!! – Any person who chooses to speak for or against a political figure has every right to do so. Read that line one more time. Who the hell are you to seek retribution or punishment against anyone who speaks out against or does not agree with Barack Obama?!?! Especially a minor. Thats f*ckin PATHETIC!!!!!!
TIP #4. READ AND UNDERSTAND THE FIRST AMENDMENT!!! – Any person who chooses to speak for or against a political figure has every right to do so. Read that line one more time. Who the hell are you to seek retribution or punishment against anyone who speaks out against or does not agree with Barack Obama?!?! Especially a minor. Thats f*ckin PATHETIC!!!!!!
TIP #5. READ AND UNDERSTAND THE FIRST AMENDMENT!!! – Any person who chooses to speak for or against a political figure has every right to do so. Read that line one more time. Who the hell are you to seek retribution or punishment against anyone who speaks out against or does not agree with Barack Obama?!?! Especially a minor. Thats f*ckin PATHETIC!!!!!!
Julio Bejarano, like Inigo Montoya, will not be moved:
Subject: Obama
He is a nigger and has called himself one. asshole. He is also a lier and has brought our country to a new low. Don”t forget 16 trillion in debt, 8 percent unemployment. His support came from the blacks , Mexico,s unwanted and uneducated and I could go on. But obama has given all the sugar to his low life voters. Welcome socialism. And the kids you just fucked over. Well They will be paying for his outragious spending.
You know what’s OUTRAGIOUS, sir? Your spelling.
Donovan Hendrick seems to have succumbed to some kind of brain fever; he’s oddly lucid yet making zero sense:
Here’s a tip for you… re: anti-Obama Tweets by kids.
Read the First Amendment until you understand what it is and what it means.
I truly hope these kids and their parents sue the hell out of you for publicizing their names and locations just because they wrote things about Barry Soetoro (aka Obama) you personally don’t like. You owe all of them a public apology (right before you close your website).
…and while you’re soul-searching for the meaning of the Bill of Rights, do real searching into Obama’s forged birth certificate, forged Selective Service application, lifetime membership in the Man’s Country Gay Bath House in Chicago, and stolen social security number issued to a Connecticut resident born in 1890. Seems like you’re trying to defend an illegal alien, muslim queer Marxist.
Until you get your own house in order, knock off what you see as “snitching.” Elsewise, pack up and move out of my country into N. Korea, Russia or Cuba. They should welcome you with open arms…you’ll make fine little rats for them to gnaw on.
Travel tips! Nice.
In a rare moment of bipartisan hatred, Michael Petri, atheist and anal sex enthusiast, posits that “both sides suck dick.”
It’s perfectly ok for anyone to say what they want about republicans, but when it’s your shitty ass president, you fuck with people. People are allowed to disagree, they are allowed to hate the president if they want. As long as they don’t break the law, they can say what they want. Who gives a fuck. This still is America you fucking assholes, although if your fuckwad in office had his way it would be the North American union. I’m so sick of you liberal shitbags. Face it… Your president sucks ass. Every single economic number is worse since he has taken office. He is literally ruining this country. Granted Bush sucked ass too. Both sides suck dick, both of them together are going to drive us off a fucking cliff. The problem is that both sides are so fucking stupid and only worried about their piece of shit winning. I’m sick of being accused of being racist and religious and all that shit just because I think Obama is a fuck head. As a matter of fact, I’m atheist, pro abortion, pro gay marriage, pro legalization, pro execution, pro gun and anti shithead. Leave people the fuck alone! Go suck nancy pelosi’s cock and eat huffingtons balls and let people being fucking dumb racists if they want to be. Who gives a shit! You are such a hypocrite because I know there are tweets out there that talk worse shit about Romney, but that’s ok. What an illegitimate piece of shit website this is.
Have a good day.
P.S. fuck your mothers.
P.P.S. fuck them up their asses
You would think that working outdoors in the sunshine might put you in a good mood. Sadly, an employee at Lautz Lawn Service is thinking terrible thoughts:
You people at Jezebel are WAYYYYYY out of order in reference to “exposing” the comments of school students regarding the current fool occupying the Whitehouse. The kids you have chosen to pick on are just that…mush headed inexperienced kids. Why don’t you jerk offs pick on someone your own size, or, are school students the extent of your mentality? Here’s something you should REALLY concern yourselves with:
“The danger to America is not Barack Obama, but a citizenry capable of entrusting a man like him with the Presidency. It will be far easier to limit and undo the follies of an Obama presidency than to restore the necessary common sense and good judgment to a depraved electorate willing to have such a man for their president. The problem is much deeper and far more serious than Mr. Obama, who is a mere symptom of what ails America. Blaming the prince of the fools should not blind anyone to the vast confederacy of fools that made him their prince. The Republic can survive a Barack Obama, who is, after all, merely a fool. It is less likely to survive a multitude of fools, such as those who made him their president.”
Sad but truly, it is YOU who are the “depraved electorate”….before the end of 2014 I predict that even you will know who the fool is…
Finally, someone with the simple and descriptive email “Obama Hater” had this to offer:
The nigger needs to leave office.
Stop trying to force your libturd ways on everyone!
In all seriousness, it’s disappointing and sad that a post about racists attracts racists, and that, like the teens who tweeted nasty messages, these folks feel no remorse or compassion or even fear/shame enough to email us from anonymous accounts.
In addition, it seems quite a few Americans have Freedom of Speech confused with freedom of expression; both have legal limits, especially when it comes to libel, slander, and obscenity. Hate speech is a civil right; but threatening the President of the United States is a class D felony. And in general, neither are useful, in terms of bringing peace and prosperity to our lives. Isn’t that what we all want?
Earlier: Twitter Racists React to ‘That Nigger’ Getting Reelected
Racist Teens Forced to Answer for Tweets About the ‘Nigger’ President
Image by NLshop/Shutterstock.