What Should Be the 'Abortion Shoe?'


Everyone wants Wendy Davis’s pink rouge Mizuno sneakers; traffic to the brand’s website nearly doubled after she spent 13 hours metaphorically trampling all over mansplaining GOP senators earlier this week. But, aside from some supportive tweets, Mizuno hasn’t jumped at the chance to attach itself to the woman who will hopefully be the next Governor of Texas/President/my new best friend. Why?

Fashionista did some digging and found that Mizuno President Robert Puccini has donated at least twice to the Republican National Committee and voted for Mitt Romney in 2012. In other words: Mizuno doesn’t want to become the go-to Liberal Baby-Killing footwear brand. Bummer. Who’ll step up to the plate?

We did some brainstorming:

  • No-Keds (get it?!?!?!)
  • Jeffrey Campbell Litas, because they look like surgical intruments
  • Swedish Hasbeens, the ubiquitous shoe of liberal college grads
  • Heelies, because they help you skate away from your responsibilities as a WOMAN AND MOTHER
  • Dr. Scholls, because Dr. Scholl was really an abortionist


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