Woman Waves Around Loaded Gun at Chuck E. Cheese
LatestChuck E. Cheese is where a kid can be a kid, and I guess considering how many children die from gun shots every day, it makes sense that weapons are okey dokey. In fact, here’s a recent picture from the door of Chuck E. Cheese in Hayward, CA. Yep, the future is great.
According to the Huffington Post, Tawana Bourne, 30, of Middleton, CT, “brandished a .380 semiautomatic handgun and chambered a round” during a verbal altercation at the restaurant.
Apparently the altercation began when Bourne’s son pushed another woman’s daughter off a ride. This is according to the other woman, so who knows what actually went down. But if kids fighting over junk is now a reason for parents to start slinging guns, we’d all do best to avoid the outdoors from here on out.
Bourne was charged with reckless endangerment, risk of injury to children, threatening and breach of peace. She was released after posting a $50,000 bond and is scheduled to appear in court on Feb 19.