You Need to Watch Shura's Bendy, Rose-Tinged Video for '2Shy'


“2Shy” is the fourth single from Shura, a London trio fronted by singer-songwriter/producer Alexandra Denton, and it’s their best—although it’s seated firmly in the nostalgia zone of r&b synth-pop that’s dominated the blogs, if not the charts, for years, “2Shy” works within the genre to generate something pristine and timeless, a wallflower ballad for the ages.

The newly-released video for “2Shy” is a thing of beauty; the pensive separation evoked by the track gets a lovely visual echo as the gentle, artfully tilted camera watches people watching the world. Being a pretty shy freak myself, I already connected deeply to this song, but anything that opens and closes with a jellyfish shot really gets me. Happy Friday, y’all.

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