Your Guide to Getting Snapped for a Style Blog While at a Music Festival


If you’re going to a music festival, you’re going for one of three reasons: To do drugs, to pump your fist next to a throbbing bass, and to try to get style blogged. The first two you can handle, but we’re here to help you get Vaguely Internet Famous. Here’s the simple formula to festival attire:

1. Put a triangle on it.

Witchy fashion is in, at least that’s what Tumblr tells me. Everyone wants to be mistaken as one of the girls from The Craft, so embrace your inner Illuminati and put a triangle on it. And by “it” I mean LITERALLY EVERYTHING.

Image via Asos.

2. Wear this thing called a “bralette”

“Bralette” is french for “look at my belly button.” These tops are crucial for music festivals, because when you’re trying to get your grind on and break a sweat, you already have your shirt off. They also have great support for your iPhone when you stick next to boob after Instagramming DJ Crystal Something.

Image via Urban Outfitters.

3. Wear 14,346 bracelets

Kids these days are calling it an “arm party.” I call it “excessive accessorizing.” If you can’t afford 14,346 bracelets, shoplift. JK, get a bag of neon beads and spell “YOLO” on every other bracelet.

Image via Twitter.

5. Get a Fannypack

How else are you supposed to crowd surf and secure your stash of cocaine at the same time?

6. Don a Lana Del Rey flower crown

You’re a modern day hippy child, so give $20 to corporate America for a some fake flowers that a factory worker sewed on to a headband and just be. Live and laugh. Don’t forget to love.

Image via Urban Outfitters.

If these simple steps aren’t enough, you can refer to Urban Outfitters “Festival Lookbook.” Yeah, that exists.

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