A Question About Brexit: Does 10 Downing Street Get to Keep Larry the Cat? 


No one has ever played himself as hard as David Cameron, and it doesn’t seem like there’ll be too many weeping mourners at his political funeral. A pressing question, though: what happens to 10 Downing Street resident Larry, Chief Mouser to the Cabinet Office?

Larry was adopted from the Battersea Dogs & Cats Home in February 2011, to deal with the mice scurrying around the historic building—which he is apparently not very good at—and also to serve as pet to the Cameron children. However, reports in 2012 suggested that Larry was in fact barred from the PM’s residence, and began spending his time in the office portions of the building, the better to come and go.

This made him a reliable subject for press corps members waiting around outside 10 Downing Street for announcements and photo opportunities. Of course Larry caused a sensation when he ventured outside as the press eagerly awaited a statement from Cameron after the results of the EU referendum.

But he has a long history of such appearances. Here is Larry visiting with a cop in May 2015 during the first cabinet meeting after the Conservatives’ seizing a majority in parliament.

Larry keeping cool during a 2014 heatwave.

Cabinet members and also Larry on the eve of the annual budget’s unveiling in 2014.

Cooling his heels during bilateral talks between Cameron and Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu.

Playing with some bunting during the Queen’s Silver Jubilee.

Look at the tie he wore for the Royal Wedding. Just fucking look at it. Don’t go, Larry!

But of course, leave or remain, Larry doesn’t give a fuck. Much like the Tories, he knows he’ll get his dinner regardless.

Photos via Getty, AP Images.

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