Are You Eco-Conscious Enough to Get Off on a Hand-Cranked Vibrator?


As an April Fools prank, high-class sex toy company Lelo tweeted that they’d soon be distributing an eco-friendly vibrator made of recycled wood pulp and old tires. Foolishly, the fool public believed them. Fools! And not only did the fool public believe them, they were falling over their Toms to shove Mother Earth’s magic wand where the sun don’t shine*. Hence, Lelo realized that, in fact, they were the April fools, and decided to make an ecorotic product.

They’re now developing the Ikealy-named GÄSM. Realizing that wood pulp could result in a mean case of vagina splintina, they decided to work on the execution. Using “100% recycled materials, a hand-cranked power system and a disassembled, low-packaging delivery”, they’re putting together a vibrator that Julia Butterfly Hill can use in a tree — or that you can use in a power outage. Being easy is green!

Look for it at an Ikea near you. (No, don’t — but maybe keep checking Lelo’s site?)

*The sun is a total slut shamer.

[Fast Company]

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