Bachelor Juan Pablo Is Seriously Trying to Sell You a Refrigerator
LatestWhile at first glance it might appear as though this commercial is just the latest in Juan Pablo’s path to fame and fortune via advertising stunts like that Super Bowl M&M commercial, Juan Pablo’s connection to Rochester Appliance is far more personal. According to the Hollywood Reporter, owner Dean Eaton’s brother-in-law is friends with Juan Pablo from college. Eaton asked Juan Pablo to star in a series of commercials for them as a favor. While Galavis was paid for his work, he appeared at “a reduced rate” (of 20 yellow peanut M&Ms instead of 40).
The commercials are airing locally during The Bachelor and feature Juan Pablo as a salesman who “finds out quickly that he may not be cut out for a salesman position” (because he is so hot women get distracted when they’re trying to buy stuff from him). Only one has been released, but several more are coming out; apparently the final one has a “big twist.” The commercial has been a source of great amusement to locals, including one of the anchors at ABC affiliate 13WHAM, whose best friend and sister star in the commercial.
Since we already know so much about Juan Pablo (who was sick but “very nice to everybody, super cool” during filming), let’s take a moment to learn more about Rochester Appliance:
Rochester Appliance was founded to solve every major home appliance related problem in the Rochester N.Y. region. Our motto is ingrained in our mission, “Do to others as you would have them do to you”. This motto echoes in every interaction with every customer. Putting others first is what creates life long customers. This is what we believe, this is what we stand for.
“Do to others as you would have them do to you.” Sounds like that strategy makes Juan Pablo “Honesty Is The Best Policy” Galavis the perfect spokesman. Eaton told THR that he decided to wait to air the commercials until the end of the season, which could be seen as either a smart or terrible business strategy. It was smart because Juan Pablo’s offensive comments towards the gay community have sort of blown over. It was terrible because disdain for him seems to be growing with each passing week.