Bowe Bergdahl Arraigned


On Tuesday, U.S. Army Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl was arraigned for charges of desertion and misbehavior before the enemy, which carry five year and life sentences, respectively.

From the AP:

Bergdahl was arraigned during a short hearing and deferred entering a plea and did not decide whether he wants to face a court-martial with a jury or one with just a judge. He said little beyond answering “yes” and “no” questions about whether he understood his rights and the court proceedings. He wore an Army dress uniform with a dark blue jacket and pants and had closely cropped hair.

The judge, Col. Christopher Fredrikson, scheduled a pretrial hearing for January 12.

Bergdahl’s case is notably the subject of this season of Serial. When I mentioned that actual breaking news in the Bergdahl case was a spoiler, commenters got mad, so say goodbye to colorful writing and desertion-related puns forever.

Contact the author at [email protected].

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