California High School Awesomely Crowns Trans Girl Homecoming Queen
LatestHomecoming events aren’t just opportunities for creepy alums to revisit their old schools and watch high school kids play football. Sometimes, homecoming can be an opportunity to demonstrate a level of inclusion and tolerance high school (in general) isn’t exactly known for. That’s what happened at Marina High School in Huntington Beach, Calif. this Friday when a 16-year-old trans girl was crowned homecoming queen (amid much rejoicing).
According to the LA Times, Cassidy Lynn Campbell was pretty stunned when she got the crown. School district spokesman Tom Delapp said that Campbell “kind of broke down on the podium,” but she wasn’t so dazed as to avoid taking a moment to point out to local reporters how big a deal it was for her to win homecoming queen: “”I was so proud to win, not just for me but for everyone out there. I think it really shows the progression of the times.”
Transgender teen crowned homecoming queen at O.C. high school [LA Times]
[h/t Raw Story]