Candace Bushnell: Suck It, My New Book Is Fictional As Hell 


Candace Bushnell was recently profiled by the New York Observer, home of her original Sex and the City column, in conjunction with the release of her latest novel, Killing Monica.

Bushnell talked about life at 56, the joy of standing desks, and her upcoming line of branded emojis (yes), but first and foremost, Bushnell would like “all you journalist guys” to “chill the fuck out” about the plot of Killing Monica, which many have noted seems, um, not fictional at all—it’s about a best-selling author haunted by the runaway success of her extremely Carrie Bradshaw-like character, played onscreen by an actress named “SondraBeth Schnowzer.”


“You know, names come to me,” she replied. “And when the name comes to me, that’s it. I can’t change it.”


“C’mon!” Ms. Bushnell said, incredulous that any comparison could be made between the two. “[Killing Monica] is so clearly fiction. To me, this book is a work of art.”


“If you start reading the book and you start thinking that, I would say this: Put the book down, it’s not for you,” she said, her voice getting louder with irritation. “You don’t have a sense of humor, you don’t understand imagination or creativity, and honestly, if you’re going to go into the book thinking that, just don’t read it!”


“The great thing about the Hamptons is that you really can live in the Hamptons and not live in the Hamptons in the Hamptons way.”


Contact the author at [email protected].

Image via Getty.

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