CBS Wonders Whether Woman Is Too 'Chunky" to Be a Cheerleader


Earlier this week, CBS Houston posted an unbylined article asking whether an Oklahoma City Thunder cheerleader was “too chunky” to wave those sacred pom-poms. The conclusion: unclear, although she definitely needs a boob job, pronto!

“The Rockets looked terrible in Game 1, but some say they weren’t the only bad-looking people on the court,” wrote the formerly anonymous asshole who has since been identified as Claire Crawford. “We’re not trying to be ugly. We are just discussing what men like in women, specifically NBA cheerleaders.”

CBS isn’t trying to be a bitch, you guys! They’re just casually trying to propagate fucked-up stereotypes by questioning whether women who don’t look like they’re starving should actually be allowed to show their fat asses in public. No offense!

Crawford goes on to explain that she’s not being judgmental; it’s just incredibly newsworthy that some unnamed dicks think a cheerleader named Kelsey is a gigantic monster with love handles.

This pretty blonde has been criticized by some folks in OKC for having “pudginess” around her waistline. But if she’s comfortable wearing that tiny outfit and dancing for NBA fans, then good for her.

We haven’t heard a nastier backhanded compliment since 8th grade. Kelsey, gurl: If you’re somehow happy with your body even though you’re a disgusting piece of lard, rock it!

The most egregious line has since been edited out, but Busted Coverage screen-capped it: “Either way, I wish she had a little more up on top, if you know what I mean…”

Oddly, there’s no diagram of Kelsey’s body detailing in red marker where, exactly, she should lose and/or gain weight. How will she know what body parts to augment or simply cut off? However, there IS a fun survey!

On her Twitter, Claire reiterated that those who think she was calling Kelsey fat are “dummies”; she was just reporting breaking news that women are only sexy if they have big breasts and flat stomachs. Ah, journalism.


[Image via Facebook]

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