Comment Of The Day: The Girl's Guide To Working Up An Appetite


Today we got into a surprisingly intense debate about how much soup ladies are allowed to eat in on sitting. Jetgirly explains:

I’m REALLY hungry. See, I get up every morning before dawn and walk ten miles to recycle my neighbours’ bottles and cans. I don’t recycle my own, because I grow all my own food. I even catch my own rainwater on my roof (it doesn’t rain much here so I have to climb up a homemade wooden ladder to the roof each time I want a glass). Then I go tend my organic vegetable garden, which I fertilize with my own poop (I conserve water this way; no toilet flushing!). Then it’s time to head off to work. I work at a combination animal-women shelter, where we use yoga to enrich the lives of stray dogs and cats, and abused women. I lead at least five classes a day (including a hot yoga class or two). After work I ride my unicycle home, at which point all I want to do is relax on my couch with a full can of soup, but instead I have to slave away in the kitchen making vegetable soup from scratch and milling my homegrown buckwheat to make my own flour that I turn into gluten-free bread. By the time the bread is out of the oven I’ve got just enough time to have a slice (with home-churned butter- good for the biceps!) along with the soup, before I fall asleep on my recycled tatami mat. Maybe if you were a bit more giving of yourself you too would be hungry enough to eat a full can of soup.

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