Congrats to Everyone Who Was Not an Asshole to Elliot Page After He Came Out
LatestIt is so rare that something strictly good happens that when I saw Elliot Page had thanked fans for being supportive of him coming out as trans, I was waiting for a “but.” But it turns out, Page was really only saying thank you and adding a request to donate to Trans Santa and Trans Lifeline. It was simply a nice post from a person who is focusing on his positive experience coming out as a trans person.
Elliot, beloved for his starring role in the film Juno and Whip It, announced that he was trans on his Instagram account at the beginning of December. In his announcement, he included his preferred pronouns (he/they) and shared his extreme joy and equally extreme fear over what came next and how people would react.
Somehow, it seems a whole lot more people chose to voice support and drown out the TERFs and asshole headline-writers, and as a result, Page has not yet felt the urge to tell everyone to fuck off and stop harassing him. What a shame that governments and legislative bodies can’t get on that same supportive page—but if the Internet can do it, anyone can.