Could Rebellious Teens Please Just Go Back to Worshipping the Devil?

Could Rebellious Teens Please Just Go Back to Worshipping the Devil?
Image: (AP)

It’s really no surprise that some teenage boys love Trump. From what I can recall, they are burdened with all the baggage that comes from being taught that normal human feelings are wrong and bad along while being offered limited outlets for expressing any emotion that isn’t rage. So with all the performative masculinity bullshit they’re wading through, it’s not exactly a shocker that boys have fallen for one of the worst performances of masculinity of all time—that of charlatan-in-chief Donald Trump.

According to The Philadelphia Inquirer, the teenage boys in a working-class Pennsylvania town are using Trump memes to bully (primarily female) classmates, a practice that would surely delight the president:

“The girls mostly roll their eyes, but sometimes the jabs cross a line. Last year, when Alabama passed an anti-abortion bill, some of the boys shared a series of Instagram posts from women outraged by the ban, with the song “Hoes Mad” playing in the background. ‘The boys mostly like Trump. There’s an attention side of it,’ [one student] said. ‘It’s just like a way to get people upset, to rile up the girls, the whole masculine group loves Trump.’”

Asked about their support for Trump, one male student attributed the Trump presidency to the success of his parents’ construction business, while another student, who is coincidentally student body president, put his support down to gender: “Just historically, when you think Republican, you think males, and when you think liberals, you think more female.”

Really makes one miss the old days when all we had to worry about were young people engaging in blood orgies to a soundtrack of rock n’ roll. [The Philadelphia Enquirer]

The New York Times remains oddly obsessed with attempting to force Democratic candidates to blame undocumented immigrants for stagnant American wages. First, they tried it with Bernie. Now, they’re trying it with Warren.

In a convoluted question for the Times TV show The Weekly, an interviewer very obviously tried to get Warren to say undocumented people were stealing jobs from union workers, a question Warren pivoted back to unsafe, illegal working conditions. But the interviewer pressed on, demanding to know if she had “any specific evidence that immigrants drive down wages?” To which Warren replied “No. I thought you were talking about undocumented workers.”

Her answer got right to the root of the question the Times was really trying to ask. Maybe they’ll have better luck getting the racist answer they so clearly want out of Biden. [New York Times]

Let’s prepare for the debate with a few laryngeal spasms:

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