Down-to-Earth Singer Mariah Carey Works From Bed in Full Makeup


In this photo, Mariah Carey is either: a) shooting a reality TV show of some sort from bed, b) filming for an unspecified project in bed, or c) having her daily morning meeting with her minions.

The answer is all three, sort of. This is Mariah Carey’s version of working from home—laying down in full makeup with a camera crew, which is nothing like your version of working from home (shooing your cat away from the keyboard).

In reality, the snapshot looks to be a tease for an upcoming Funny or Die video featuring Mariah (they previously did Cooking with Mariah Carey).

There’s nothing peculiar about it at all. It’s simply further proof that Mariah is so damn down to earth.

For example, this is her waiting for pizza delivery.

This is her watching Master of None on Netflix.

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Images via Instagram

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