Egyptian Man Names Baby "Facebook"
LatestAn Egyptian man has named his newborn daughter “Facebook” Jamal Ibrahim to celebrate the role the site played in the revolt. According to Tech Crunch’s translation, an article in the Egyptian newspaper Al-Ahram reported:
The girl’s family, friends, and neighbors in the Ibrahimya region gathered around the new born to express their continuing support for the revolution that started on Facebook. “Facebook” received many gifts from the youth who were overjoyed by her arrival and the new name.
The girl’s name is a touching testament to the Egyptians’ post-revolution joy, and we Americans can definitely relate. After all, that’s why shortly after our own revolution, classrooms were filled with kids named “Philadelphia Evening Post Adams” and “Boston Gazette Hamilton.”
To Celebrate The #Jan25 Revolution, Egyptian Names His Firstborn “Facebook” [Tech Crunch]
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