Emma Watson: Singing in Beauty and the Beast Will Be 'Terrifying'
LatestEmma Watson can do very little wrong (I’m not going to say “nothing,” in the interest of leaving some room for error). Even people who aren’t fans have very little bad to say about her. So why is Watson so scared of starring in Beauty and the Beast?
It turns out that the live-action film will have Watson doing something on screen for the first time: Singing. And a lot of it. And while it’s true that the actress “can do anything,” the thought of vocalizing on camera is getting her into a right state.
From The Telegraph:
“I sing, so that’s really unexpected,” she said. “I’ve never had to do that for a film role before, and I think people will be interested to see me do something very different like that.
“It gives me a different challenge, really. That’s terrifying in and of itself!”
What’s great about Emma Watson is that even when she’s talking about things she’s afraid of, she’s confident. I’m sure she’ll do the singing bit pretty well, if not amazingly. But you know how people are: Considering how mean audience members were about Meryl Streep’s voice in Into the Woods when I saw it, it’s easy to see how singing on screen can be daunting.
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