Fox News Mouthbreather Calls Bachelorette Andi a 'Slut'
LatestLike a lot of people, the cast of Fox News’ The Five were abuzz about Monday’s Bachelorette finale in which rejected contestant Nick pulled back the show’s see-through curtain and admitted that the Bachelorette (in this case, Andi Dorfman) does indeed sleep with several of the men vying for her affections. This has been widely assumed with previous Bachelors/Bachelorettes, but never so explicitly stated.
“Knowing how in love with you I was, if you weren’t in love with me, I’m just not sure why, why you made love with me,” Nick said during the After the Final Rose special.
Andi’s response: “First of all, I think that’s kind of below the belt. That’s something that should be private.”
The Five‘s Bob Beckel, arbiter of sexual behavior and how to glisten on camera, did not like her answer.
“She’s a slut,” he stated on yesterday’s broadcast, later continuing, “I’m not kidding you. When she sleeps with somebody else and doesn’t tell the other guy about it –”
Co-panelist Andrea Tantaros was not pleased, responding with “Excuse me, Bob, you probably sleep with a different woman every night.”
On behalf of Bachelorette Andi, Bob: Go fuck yourself.
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