Having Tackled Teen Moms, MTV Focuses On Teen Dropouts


MTV has thoroughly covered the topic of teenage pregnancy with multiple seasons of 16 and Pregnant, Teen Mom, and Teen Mom 2 and it seems executives are worried we won’t be shocked by sketchy parents and insolent teen dads anymore. Now the network is seeking out new adolescent drama with a series about kids who drop out of high school. MTV has been casting former students “who appear to be 16 to 20 years old” in the Chicago area. The series will focus on helping dropouts go back to school and get their diplomas, which makes it sound more like Made or the troubling show I Used To Be Fat. Perhaps MTV will actually wind up helping some kids, but we’re wondering if the show could be a hit without shots of cute babies and that exploitative edge.

Image via l i g h t p o e t/Shutterstock.

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