Here's What It's Like When David Lynch Tells You If You're Pregnant or Not
In DepthGothamist points out a deeply terrifying PSA Lynch made about how littering contributes to New York City’s rat problem, which reminded me of my favorite bit of Lynch trivia: in 1997, he directed a commercial for Clear Blue Easy, the pregnancy test that turns blue if you’re knocked up or stays white if you’re not.
Typically, it’s got an element of noir, and fans of his films could view the commercial’s star as any one of his film’s heroines facing an unfathomable crossroads she must later grapple with. I guess that’s why this comes off a bit like horror, too—what is pregnancy if not a turning point in one’s mortality!—and best/creepiest of all… it seems like the desired outcome is definitely not pregnancy. I guess if you’re one of the teens of Twin Peaks or one of his myriad characters with irreparably damaged personal lives, that might be a pretty accurate point of view!