Holy Shit, They Make Thin Mint Ice Cream Bars Now and We Can Buy Them
LatestI worked hard, I tried to be a good person, I mostly failed, but the good Lord has chosen to reward me nonetheless: you can now buy a Thin Mint-flavored ice cream bar. It is available everywhere Good Humor products are sold, or it will be until I buy them all. Jesus Christ. This is the best fucking day of my life. Everyone just give me a minute.
It’s a scientifically proven fact as well as the opinion of the wise American public that Thin Mints are the best Girl Scout cookie. (The lone holdouts are sour hater of joy Kate Dries, whose cookie blasphemy we will simply ignore, and brilliant and kind but very wrong Kelly Faircloth, who I will also ignore.) And now Good Humor has made what they’re calling a Thin Mints Frozen Treat, which we heard about via Grub Street. It’s shaped like a cookie. It’s made of ice cream and enrobed in chocolate. There are Thin Mints studding the outside of the thing like diamonds, except less ugly and pointless and more delicious.
I need to make this clear: this is not an ad or a sponsored post, neither of which would include this much profanity and blasphemy (Christ Jesus on a tandem bicycle, I am so excited). Just yesterday our brother site Gawker pointed out that Good Humor’s parent company Unilever apparently has enough pull over at BuzzFeed that an unflattering post about Dove soap just up and disappeared. This isn’t about Good Humor or Unilever or lining their ice cream-flavored coffers. This is about getting some goddamn Thin Mint ice cream into my facehole as soon as possible. Make it happen, Universe.
Holy shit. I need to lie down.
Image via Shutterstock