Is This Caitlyn Jenner Costume Transphobic or Is It Just Terrible?
In DepthA “Call Me Caitlyn Unisex Adult Costume” is currently for sale online, and no one is happy about it. The company responsible, Spirit Halloween, known for wearable nightmares like Sexy Ebola Nurse, says there’s nothing wrong with its latest work of art.
Trisha Lombardo, the company’s PR and marketing head, gave the following statement to The New York Daily News:
“Caitlyn Jenner has proven to be the most important real-life superhero of the year, and Spirit Halloween is proud to carry the costume that celebrates her.”
But the creators of a petition asking for the Caitlyn costume to be removed aren’t buying Lombardo’s explanation:
With a reputation of sexist, racist, and culturally appropriative costumes, we are concerned that this costume will continue your oppressive tradition with a transphobic costume of Caitlyn Jenner…To make a costume out of a marginalized identity reduces that person and community to a stereotype for privileged people to abuse…At a time when trans women and GNC folx, especially black trans women, are being murdered at such a high rate, and homelessness, unemployment, and inaccessibility to healthcare run rampant in our community, making fun of one or all of us is utterly insensitive and deplorable.
If you see someone wearing this “Call Me Caitlyn” sash at a Halloween party this year, feel free to ignore their request and call them whatever name (or series of names) you feel is appropriate.
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Image via screengrab.
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