It's NOT Peanut Butter Jelly Time
LatestUnable to pinpoint the cause of the peanut butter salmonella outbreak occurring in several states, the FDA is recommending that you “postpone eating any products that may contain peanut butter until additional information becomes available.”
Several peanut butter products have already been removed from the shelves, including several varieties of Keebler and Little Debbie snack products. While “as of now, there is no indication that the major national name-brand jars of peanut butter sold in retails stores are linked to the recall,” according to FDA safety head, Steven Sundlof, the organization would rather consumers play it safe than sorry when it comes to products made with peanut butter, including cookies, ice cream, crackers, and cereal. Six people have already died from the outbreak, and 470 have become ill. [MSNBC]