Melissa McCarthy Set to Host SNL Again


Fantastic news! Melissa McCarthy will host SNL for her second time on April 6. She’ll obviously be extremely hilarious and wonderful, and hopefully maybe even play a character who doesn’t bathe in ranch dressing or try to eat her co-worker, or whatever. It’d be cool if they did some SNL-style goofy-yet-biting social commentary about how her weight is always a thing? Or, if not, they could at just make the entire show one shot of her playing a character named “Fat Tanya” who just eats, grunts, and humps the legs of uninterested men? Oh, and midway through takes a bath in ranch sauce, using carrot sticks to clean her ears. I’m getting a little too invested in this character.

No matter what happens, it’s sure to be a delight, just like McCarthy. Mark your calendars!

[US Weekly]

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