Miss Lebanon Tells Miss Israel to GTFO of Her Selfie


Sometimes, when you’re just trying to take a selfie with Miss Japan and Miss Slovenia, crazy things happen, like a supposedly uninvited beauty queen shows up and ruins the whole thing.

Or does she? Here’s the original snap, which shows Miss Lebanon, Saly Greige, alongside Miss Israeal, Doron Matalon:

Then, in a game of now you see it, now you don’t, the cropped after shot, which appeared after Greige came under fire in the Lebanese media for posing with Matalon, since the countries basically hate each other.

Greige is playing the, “I can’t believe she photo bombed us!” card—you know, looking happy and friendly and all—in defense of her decision to post the photo. Matalon, meanwhile, has the original image up on her own Instagram account, and has called the whole situation “sad.”

Images via Shutterstock and Instagram

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