New Federal Benefits to Be Extended to All Married Same-Sex Couples


On Monday, the Justice Department will extend federal benefits to all legally married same-sex couples regardless of whether they are living in a state that recognizes the marriage or not.

The new directive, says Attorney General Eric Holder, will provide “lawful same-sex marriages full and equal recognition, to the greatest extent possible under the law.” When the benefits go into effect all married same-sex couples will be treated in the same way as opposite-sex couples in federal court, in both criminal and civil cases. In addition, same-sex couples will receive federal death benefits, be allowed the same privileges of opposite-couples if one of the partners is incarcerated in a federal prison, and be treated equally in federal bankruptcy proceedings.

If you need me, I’ll be over here eating a rainbow brownie and trying to get my bunny to put on this NO H8 cape I knit her.

Image via Getty

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