Kidman is currently promoting her upcoming film, Babygirl, in which she goes from a dominant girlboss to a submissive girlboss, thanks to a sexy intern portrayed by Harris Dickinson. Basically, she’s like corporate Cinderella if Prince Charming had said “bad girl” when she left her glass slipper. Anyway, Kidman was asked about the scene science behind how her orgasms in the film differed when acting against Dickinson, as opposed to her onscreen husband, Antonio Banderas.
At first, Kidman played coy and — as the journalist, Rebecca Keegan notes — covered her face with her hands: “I blush, still! That’s insane. But that’s a good thing, I suppose. I’m very interested in exploring those things, but I’m not that extroverted. I was so in character,” Kidman said. “To pull the curtain back on all of it, it’s too sacred.” Keegan, like me, wasn’t satisfied with “sacred” and pressed further and asked about those elicited in her scenes with Dickinson.