Pie Vs. Cake: Pie Is Champion


And that’s that. For all of the years, the tears, and the laughter, the war of Pie Vs. Cake today comes to an end, with Cake waving the white flag. But Pie’s win is not without controversy!

[The original bracket and tournament guidelines are available here.]

It wasn’t a particularly close match — Red Velvet showed up to the game, sure, but Cheesecake still showed it who was boss with 59% of the vote. And As the Selection Committee stated from the very beginning, the winner of this final match — with your vote moving forward the Best Cake and Best Pie to fight for the ultimate title — would be crowned the superior dessert. Pie is better than Cake. Pie wins.

And yet, some people simply cannot accept that cheesecake is a pie.

The Selection Committee maintains that a key ingredient in any Cheesecake is a crusty base. Moreover, it does not rise. Cakes, generally speaking, rise. But the crust factor is inarguable. Cheesecake is a Pie, and Pie wins.

For the doubters, your denial and anger will pass. If you can learn to accept Pie, you can learn to accept peace. For the war, friends, is over.

Image via Denis Vrublevski/Shutterstock.

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