Reader Roundup
LatestMany will enter! Few will win! Live from your screen — it’s the best comments of the day!
Best Comment Of The Day, in response to Ellen & Rihanna Rule Advertising; Wintour Gets Lift Down Stairs At Som Show: “There is something poignant about a lesbian and a WOC being THE females females want to stop and pay attention to. Take that industry!” • Best Comment Of The Day, in response to Mad Men Season 4 Poster Revealed:
Or maybe this is the season Don realises he’s plugged into the matrix. That’ll be the phone that Morpheus calls him on, and alerts him to the Agents entering the building below.
Don’ll take a drag on his cigarette, down a whiskey, stare pensively out the window, reflecting on the depressing absurdities of this shallow, materialistic, computer-simulated world…
Then he’ll strap his machine gun onto his back just in time for Peggy to come into view, outside the the window, flying a heavy-duty helicopter.
Don says “Woah”, shoots out the glass, then jumps across the yawning chasm.
• Best Comment Of The Day, in response to Win A Trip On Axe’s Literally Filthy Yacht :”The Axe boat
soon will be making another run
The Axe boat
promising nausea for everyone
Set a course for adventure,
your mind on a new bromance
All that Axe will smell awful bad
it’s an open sore on your gonads…
It’s aaaaaaaaaaxxxxxxxxxxxxe”
Reminder: If you see a great, funny, insightful, eloquent (or awful) comment, nominate it! Email the comment and the timestamp link to the left of the comment to Hortense at [email protected].
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