Rihanna Tricked Us.


After all the hoo-ha, Rihanna hath unleashed but a snippet of “Bitch Better Have My Money,” the new single we all stayed up past our bedtimes to cop. Annoyingly, you must download the app Dubsmash, from iTunes, to get about ten seconds of the song’s Intro and Outro—the latter of which has Rihzus singing “moo-la-la” and doing what sound like will be turnt-up rap vox, the former of which is screwed down, clattering, and sounds like one of Total Freedom‘s bonkers Rihanna refixes.

Is it worth adding Another Thing to your phone? Iono, how Navy R U? But I’m betting we won’t get the full joint today, just because they probably wanna maximize Dubsmash downloads. Rihzus better have stock in this joint, man.

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