Sarah Palin's Luxury Clothes Ruled Totally Legit
- The Federal Elections Commission dismissed a complaint about the use of campaign money to pay for Governor Sarah Palin‘s clothes, so she’s in the clear on that one. Now about donating them… [Anchorage Daily News]
- Unrelated: Palin issued a statement calling RNC Chairman Michael Steele “bold and courageous”. Then, everyone wondered if she’s noticed how much Republicans hate him. [Politico]
- Barney Frank has no problem engaging in a battle of wits with an unarmed opponent, which is why he went on Lou Dobbs with Michelle Bachmann. [TPM DC]
- Newt Gingrich thinks that being dishonest should disqualify one from being Speaker of the House. Related: I am laughing. [Time]
- The Chinese Uighurs, who Americans imprisoned in Guantanamo at the behest of the Chinese government, want to know why Newt Gingrich is such a dickhead. [Huffington Post]
- Apparently, they’ve never heard of William Smith, who’s now Chief Counsel for the Senate Judiciary Committee and fervently believes that LGBT Americans are child rapists. [Legal Times]
- Donald Rumsfeld‘s spokesman is denying that the former Defense Secretary liked his briefings with a side of Bible quotes. [The Atlantic]
- Someone stole a hard drive of Clinton-era information, so keep an eye out on eBay. [Politico]
- Obama is pressuring Democrats to not challenge New York Senator Kirsten Gillibrand in the primary next year. [The Hill]
- The Iranians swear they have a nuke that can reach Israel. [Huffington Post]
- Congressional Democrats have decided we’re definitely not closing Guantanamo. [NY Times]
- Congressional Republicans would like the ability to deny our access to reproductive health care back, since Obama is all trying to find common ground, such as. [The Hill]
- But Ted Kennedy‘s brain cancer is in remission! [Politico]
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