This Woman Wears a Steel-Boned Corset 23 Hours a Day
LatestPenny Brown wears a corset 23 hours a day. She’s hoping to constrict her waist to half the size of her hips. She’s already augmented her breasts to O-Cups and now she’s doing some careful organ rearranging to get Jessica Rabbit’s impossible figure. Her goal? A 26-inch waist.
Brown is taking part in a controversial technique called corset training. This involves wearing a steel-boned corset for a certain amount of hours a day and modifying diet. This creates a smaller waist and constricts organs changing the amount that someone eats. While Brown knows that her internal organs can be affected, she’s told The Daily Mail that she has no plans to stop. She claims that the corset is like a safety blanket to her and she feels she can handle any discomfort:
The stomach is an incredibly resilient thing – it can withstand being squashed.
At first I wore the corset too much and I experienced some pain and discomfort, but now I know how much my body could handle.
According to Brown, there are a lot of things she can’t do in her corset, including driving and eating a full meal (it makes her feel bloated and uncomfortable). But it goes further. Brown also can’t bend, sit, or lie down. This makes me wonder how she sleeps and whether she spends all of her waking hours posing. Still, Brown says she’s happy.
‘I’ve been obsessed with Jessica Rabbit from a really early age,’ she says. ‘I think she is incredibly sexy and there’s a real power and strength to her character.’
‘I’ve always wanted to copy that – at five I was already thinking about breast implants.”
Brown’s husband agrees that her look is gorgeous, but others have not been so kind. Brown has numerous critics online, where she posts pictures of her transformations.
‘Some people don’t agree with what I’m doing – they say I’m destroying my body and it doesn’t look natural.
‘I’ve even had death threats, but my appearance is for me and I love the way my body looks.
‘Jessica Rabbit’s figure is sensual, strong and extreme and it’s a pleasure to replicate that in real life.’
The Mail has posted a video of their interview with Brown and as I watched it, I could almost feel the pain that she must be experiencing in her corset — and she must be experiencing pain considering how many marks it leaves and the activities she can’t participate in. Brown claims she’s healthy, but I can’t imagine that she can sustain this for long, at least without more pain and possible injury.
Images via Instagram