Today In Awesome Health News: Have A Glass Of Wine & A Hot Bath To Prevent A Cold
LatestSomething something high temperatures something something antioxidants. Who cares. Boozing in the bath sounds lovely, and for once, science is recommending something we actually enjoy.
A few other things science will soon discover are beneficial to one’s health:
- Eating a pint of ice cream while standing up
- Daydreaming in the shower
- Wearing pajamas
- Watching an entire season of [insert Veronica Mars-type show here] on Netflix
- Frosting
- Having a puppy lick your face
- Cursing at some fucking idiot being interviewed on TV
- The new iPhone
- Spending an hour in the makeup aisle of the drugstore
- Looking at yourself in the mirror while you cry
- Forever 21
- Popping zits
- Biscuits and gravy
- Cat videos on YouTube
- Facebook stalking
- Weed
Boozing In The Bath Can Ward Off A Cold [The Sun]
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