Watch the First Scene from the New Season of Orange is the New Black


The first scene from the next season of Orange is the New Black has come in like a wrecking ball. And how do things look for Piper? Grim, my friends.

I’m not talking like “the food is bad again and Red is mad at me!” grim. I’m talking painting-barf-portraits-in-solitary-confinement Grim. Minimum security, maximum grim.

So here we go:

The entire second season will be dominating your day on June 6th, AKA Do Nothing But Watch Orange is the New Black Day. Which will be followed by Do Nothing But Discuss the New Season of Orange is the New Black Week. Followed by the International Festival of Orange is the New Black Thinkpieces. Followed by Orange is the New Black Comedy Mashup and Parody Apalooza. Can’t wait!

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