We Are All These Ravers Running Headlong Into a Tornado
LatestIf you chose B., these Australian ravers (at last week’s Earthcore 2015, in Pyalong, Victoria) are compatible with your personality type. Beyond the obvious fact that they’re arguably raving harder than anyone has ever raved before, however, and the perhaps slightly deeper fact that they’re literally transcending this mortal coil and becoming one with the wind—there’s an even more profound implication to this glorious moment in rave culture.
The tornado represents nature. The ravers represent mortality. Life, depending on how you experience time, is just a slow and inevitable careening towards the very end, bittersweet though it may be, it is a surety. Their existential symbolism is unmistakably writ, their fervor nonetheless undiminished. We live, we learn. We love, we learn. We cry, we learn. We lose, we learn. We bleed, we learn. We scream, we learn. Wait until the dust settles. For that’s only as long as we have on this godforsaken blue-green earth.
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