What Did Joss Whedon Do Now?

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What Did Joss Whedon Do Now?

Actor Ray Fisher has accused Joss Whedon of “gross, abusive, unprofessional, and completely unacceptable” behavior on the set of the 2017 film Justice League.

Fisher didn’t elaborate, but he also called out producers Geoff Johns and Jon Berg, who he wrote “enabled” Whedon. The tweet comes a few days after an another one from Fisher saying that he “forcefully retracts every bit” of what he said during a Comic-Con panel, in which he called Whedon a “great guy.”

This is certainly not the first accusation made against Whedon. Fans have long speculated that he fired Angel actor Charisma Carpenter over her pregnancy. His ex-wife, Kai Cole, said that his vocal support of feminism is an act, which certainly tracks with his sexist Wonder Woman script. So the question is: What did Joss Whedon do now? [Variety]

If Jennifer Aniston can’t convince you knuckleheads to wear a mask, who can?

“I really do believe in the basic goodness of people so I know we can all do this,” she wrote. “BUT still, there are many people in our country refusing to take the necessary steps to flatten the curve, and keep each other safe. People seem worried about their ‘rights being taken away’ by being asked to wear a mask. This simple and effective recommendation is being politicized at the expense of peoples’ lives. And it really shouldn’t be a debate.”

And yet!

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