You Can FINALLY Get the Weather Forecast for Your Hair
LatestIf you actually devote time and TLC to your hair, you’re probably locked in an endless, futile battle with the weather. Luckily, there is now a website that will deliver the day’s forecast explicitly in terms of what it means for your coiffure.
How’s Your Hair, via Refinery29, was created by developer Gab White as a means of showing off her skills. All the weather info is actually pulled from the Weather Underground, but it’s presented as advice like “the relative humidity is 60%: hope you’re cool with frizz today” and “tomorrow looks like Rain Showers: don’t bother straightening your hair tonight.” White credits her curls:
A lot of my good hair days depend on the weather conditions. Sometimes you can peer out your window on a sunny June morning and expect nothing but the best of hair days, only to step outside and realize that the humidity is at 95% and all that work gone into heat styling your hair was wasted.
Unfortunately, it doesn’t quite suit my particular style of haircare, as my questions typically run more along the lines of “Will my wet hair literally freeze waiting at the bus stop?” and “Is it hot enough that I’ll be dripping sweat by the time I’m done blowing my hair dry?” Guess it’s back to Accuweather and common sense for me.