You Can't Handle The Cute: Stella McCartney For Gap
LatestYes, these images from the lookbook are pure cute overload. Not to mention, fashion porn. But who doesn’t need a little of that?
These coats are classic — and turn all little girls into Madeline, never a bad thing.
Not only is this kid ready to go to sea, Swallows and Amazons-style, she clearly rules the playground.
This is the kid everyone else wants to be: he’s going to be going to concerts like, three years before anyone else.
This kid’s obviously trying to imitate the badass thing, but his mom’s stuck him in the llama shirt.
This guy’s just really excited about what they’re learning in science!
Any adult could wear this and look completely cool. Okay, a whimsical adult.
This kid’s parents have taken their teen love of Adam Ant way too far, and their child is paying.
Seriously, we need a mother-daughter in this taupe number.
Reminiscent of Oilily, this is the kind of thing kids like to wear — always a plus!
This baby is dangerous to ovaries everywhere.
Stella McCartney Kids: The Complete Lookbook [Fashionista]