A Lot of B-List Celebs Did Stuff to Their Hair This Weekend!


While you maybe spent the weekend last-minute Christmas shopping or lying around in a pool of your own hungover holiday party self, Alyssa Milano, Hilary Duff and Lauren Conrad spent it getting fresh new looks.

Winds from the west, a.k.a. Refinery 29, bring not one, not two, but three stories about celebrities dying or chopping their hair off. What a holiday miracle!

First up, the cuts. Hilary (star of Younger, misguided fan of Fleetwood Mac) really got edgy out there. She lives in Brooklyn part-time now, so it makes sense.

Alyssa Milano, formerly the lead actress on Mistresses, also went short, though her look is decidedly more hot mom/Elizabeth Taylor.

Lastly—and perhaps most dramatically—Lauren Conrad went much bolder than some simple pink streaks: she dyed her signature blonde hair Jessica Rabbit RED.

What a productive weekend for all!

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