Appropriately Surreal Fashion At David Lynch Event


Surprise, surprise: an event run by the David Lynch Foundation and attended by the Brand-Perrys was totally bizarre.

Sometimes Lisa Edelstein just goes and reminds you that, yes, she was Lisa E, and while you can take the girl out of the early-90’s NYC club scene…

I’ve been looking at this for far longer than I should have wondering whether Dayle Haddon‘s wearing a skirt and blouse or an unfortunate Frankenfrock. The jury’s still out.

What came first, Laura Elena Harring‘s aesthetic…or Mulholland Drive? The world may never know.

Similarly: would Denise Rich still dress full-time like the Millionaire’s Wife from Gilligan’s Island if she had a different name?

Donna Karan, ready for the Thunderdome.

Susan Sarandon‘s sweater and shoe combo skews as close to dowdy as I’ve ever seen her. All part of the Lynchian parallel universe, I guess.

Rose McGowan demonstrates the full-body sexyface.

While Katy Perry‘s dress is slightly reminiscent of the dubious art on sale at certain craft fairs, the cut is restrained and elegant! We said this one was bizarre.

[Images via Getty]

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