Benedict Cumberbatch to Voice Villainous Shere Khan in The Jungle Book


It’s a rare day that I get to say “Oh, my god, what perfect casting” and mean it, which is why I plan to savor this upcoming moment: Warner Brothers has announced that Benedict Cumberbatch will voice the tiger Shere Khan in their upcoming Jungle Book adaptation. Oh, my god, WHAT PERFECT CASTING.

Before you roll your eyes at me, know this! I am not crazy about Benedict Cumberbatch like some other people around these parts. I say that he’s the perfect choice out of a passion for good casting, not out of passion for the man himself. This is coming from a place of reason!

So from a place of reason, imagine it:

Warner Brother’s version of The Jungle Book will be the directorial debut of Andy Serkis, which probably means that he’ll have all his actors scampering around in dumb motion capture suits and everyone will have to act like this is exciting. It is also one of two competing Jungle Book adaptations in the works. The other is being produced by Disney and boasts Idris Elba as the voice of Shere Khan. Uh-oh, your British boyfriends are fighting…

Image via Getty/Disney.

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