Cher Is Giving Us a Whole Album of ABBA Covers 


It turns out that Cher’s cover of ABBA’s “Fernando” was just the beginning. The singer (sorry, icon) revealed to Kathie Lee Gifford that she did a whole damn album of ABBA songs, which is just what the doctor ordered.

“After I did ‘Fernando,’ I thought it would really be fun to do an album of ABBA songs, so I did!” she said, adding “it’s not what you think of when you think ABBA, ‘cause I did it in a different way.”

Honestly, she said “different” here, when she meant was “dope as hell.” Have you caught her version of “Fernando,” performed with Andy Garcia for the Mamma Mia! sequel? It is SO FREAKING GOOD.

There are very few people who should have license to fuck with the auditory cupcake that is ABBA. Actually, it’s possible Cher is the only one. She’ll be appearing in the aforementioned sequel, Mamma Mia! Here We Go Again, which will burst into theaters on Friday whether we like it or not.

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