Drunk Sex in the Penalty Box: More Details From Boston University's Hockey Team Sexual Assault Scandal
LatestBoston University kept most of the salacious details detailing the “culture of sexual entitlement” amongst its men’s ice hockey team members to itself when it released its harshly-worded task force report earlier this week, but now the Boston Globe has obtained the entire 11-page document.
The report contains tales of a legendary 2009 NCAA championship party — unbeknownst to campus police and BU administrators at the time — during which people drank a lot and had sex in the penalty box at Agganis Arena, as well as lots of disappointing yet predictable anecdotes about the players’ attitudes towards consent.
“You don’t ask [permission for sex] when you are drunk,” one player told the task force, who said he didn’t think the actions of the two players charged last year were legitimate sexual assault. (An Akin in the making!) Another used two “slurs” to describe women who “hook up with multiple guys,” before wondering, “What other word for them is there?” Yet another said players referred to sexual conquests as “kills” on Facebook. Classy.
The task force spoke with female students, too, one of whom told the task force that a player had once “shoved his hands down her pants” at a party and wouldn’t stop even when she punched him. She didn’t report the incident at the time because “that’s just what [BU hockey players] do.”
Behind every group of entitled misogynist assholes lies a shady student-athlete-friendly sports bar, and the report cited a popular local bar called T’s Pub as “part of the problem,” since hockey players could (until recently) drink there for free without showing IDs. But since the bar is a private establishment, there’s nothing the school can do.
Provost Jean Morrison, the cochair of the the task force, said the group had decided to keep the details private to keep the identities of the students and staff who came forward anonymous, and because they couldn’t verify all of the allegations, like one from a professor who said she was told that athletes occasionally got their grades changed on their transcripts. But she also said the public version of the report was “an extremely accurate reflection” of the subcommittee findings, “a full-throated characterization of the whole breadth of stuff that we saw.”
Hockey coach Jack Parker, who has coached the team for almost four decades, told the task force that he had told his team to avoid group sex (which apparently all of the players are major fans of, according to the report) and be respectful to women in general. “However,” Parker is quoted as saying, “my job is not to say, ‘You guys gotta be celibate.'” According to others, his job isn’t to say much else, either; one team member said Parker “cares too much about hurting the important players’ feelings. . . . He’ll criticize, then apologize.”
Parker has already been stripped of his executive athletic director title, but will continue as coach with the same salary — presumably only if he cooperates with all of the task force’s recommendations and stops acting like one of the boys.
Graphic details emerge from BU hockey panel reports [Boston Globe]