If Teen Bride Courtney Stodden Went To College, She Would Major In Her 51-Year-Old Husband's Body


Busty 17-year-old trainwreck Courtney Stodden — who is married to 51-year-old Doug Hutchison — did a live streaming chat interview thing on Radar’s Facebook page today, celebrating the fact that they’ve just signed a deal to get heir own reality show. The interview was sheer eye-roll-inducing fuckery. She stated that her relationship is not a publicity stunt. She talked about her wedding night (she was excited), her honeymoon at the Chateau Marmont, and about how she is a very sexual person. When asked if she wants go to college, she replied, “I would go to college and study all of Doug. All of his body, and all the elements within that. What they do and what they still do. It would be a lot of fun.” Then she touched her inner thigh. She also pushed her single, “Don’t Put It On Me,” which, by the by, has 38,000 dislikes on YouTube. Courtney ended the interview by giggling and calling Doug her wife who’s good at picking up around the house.

Teen Bride Courtney Stodden Talks Wedding Night: ‘I Was Aroused For 24 Hours Straight’ [Radar]

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